Lab News
2024 Goodbyes
This year we said goodbye to Ananya and Ashley
Ananya is going to University of Wisconsin Madison to pursue a PhD and Ashley headed to Case Western for a Master’s degree.
2022 Goodbyes
This year we said goodbye to OG lab members Haley and Ram.
Ram is headed to Midwestern University to study medicine and Haley is off to University of Chicago for graduate school. We are so proud of them, but they will be sorely missed!
June, 2021 - our FIrst R01 has been funded!
Our project “Inhibition of lentiviral nuclear import pathways by Mx2” is officially funded by the NIH/NIAID
This is also our first lab photo and first picnic in Arsenal Park with our colleagues in the Center for Microbial Pathogenesis - the Silva Lab and the DePas Lab
October, 2020 - melissa is named a gilead sciences research scholar in HIV
The Gilead Scholars Program supports junior faculty conducting basic or clinical research on HIV-1
Learn more about the Gilead Scholars Award here
December, 2019 - melissa receives A pilot award from the RK Mellon institute for pediatric research
This was the inaugural award from this program and provides support for two years for our project titled, Genetic basis for interferon-gamma-independent antiviral antibody production
Learn more about the RK Mellon Institute for Pediatric Research here
JANUARY 14, 2019 -KANE Lab LAunches!
The lab officially opens... We’re very excited to get started and figure out where everything is around here.
May 2017 - Melissa wins the Andy kaplan prize in retrovirology
This is technically Bieniasz Lab news, but it was an incredible honor for Melissa to be selected by senior researchers in Retrovirology as the winner of this annual prize in honor of Andy Kaplan.